Tuesday, January 5, 2010

To work or not to work?

That is the question.

If we played it the way school districts want, then we would never work again. I just got off the phone with a couple school districts, and I'll tell ya, it is so damn difficult to get a job these days. They need so many identification forms -- social security card, passport, birth certificate, driver's license -- sheesh, I am who I say I am, can't they accept that? They say not to carry around your passport or social security card in your wallet in case you get mugged or something. Being a law-abiding citizen, I don't carry these forms of identification on me. So now when I try to apply for jobs, they say that I need these forms. Well too bad, I don't have them. Deal with it.

And so they do. By not giving me a job.

I wish I had a birth certificate. Alas, the government in their infinite wisdom has chosen not to release mine to me because I do not have clearance high enough to request my own damn birth certificate. Just as well, I suppose, since I have always been a woman without solid roots -- why not just take away my birth too? Talk about a low blow. I am now without a valid birth. What else is new?

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