Sunday, September 13, 2009

Is it just me, or are kids these days getting younger and younger? I started my full-time student teaching earlier this week; and although I have a lot of sophomores, they look like they're thirteen. What's worse is they act like they're nine the majority of time. I really feel caught in the middle of the kids I teach and the teachers I work under. Do I belong anywhere? Sometimes I feel like I relate more to the kids (technically I am closer to their age), but then again, I am supposed to be a professional and I understand the English department, just not some of their methods. I understand the kids' reluctance to learn -- I am doubting why some of these things need to be taught to them....I don't want to waste their time, but sometimes I take for granted what they know or should already know.

And then there's the other thing: did I ever act this way in high school? I observe how these kids act and I honestly don't believe I was ever this.......immature. Ok, so maybe I was immature, but I certainly didn't show it in the classroom. I was a bit of a teacher's pet. I wouldn't dare do anything to make them upset. And yet these students so callously disregard the word of the teacher. It's amazing. This may be the only thing that will make me quit teaching. Forget the fact that I want to teach them how to read and write well. If they don't wan to learn, why would I want to teach them? This is why I should teach college. My professors were right -- college is the way to go.

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