Wednesday, January 2, 2019

2019 Goals

I don't make resolutions.  They only leave me feeling defeated when I ultimately fail at my resolves.  So to soften the blow, I like setting goals instead.  So without further adieu here are my 2019 goals:

For the month of January, I will do a "partial 30" -- I looked into the whole 30 diet (knowing it'd only be for 30 days), and realized it wasn't a matter of capability, I simply refuse a diet that forbids rice.  That is the Asian staple, and I will eat it until I am physically incapable of the feat.  Here's my modified partial 30:
  • No buying lattes for a month: this is to help me with both my sugar intake, and money outtake.  I don't have much of a sweet tooth, but I love froofy coffee, and this is probably my main source of sugar.
  • No eating out: I am trying to cut out processed foods as much as possible, and it is much easier to regulate natural foods from processed foods when I'm making it myself at home.  Also, this is a way to curb my spending! *The only exception I make to this rule is salads.  If I eat out, I will only buy fresh veggie salads.
  • Cut out processed foods as much as possible.  Notice that it is not an absolute.  I'm not going to go crazy reading labels, although I'll generally assume if it's prepackaged, it's processed.  I won't be cutting out pasta, almond milk, or yogurt.
  • I'm lactose intolerant, so the amount of dairy products I consume is quite small.  However, I will cut out the tiny bit of cheese I eat, ice cream, cottage cheese, and probably butter.
  • Cut out breads: if I don't have breads, I won't need butter.  This will also include other forms (bagels, pastries, garlic bread, etc.).  Notice that I am not cutting carbs out of my diet, just breads.
Due to a dinner party I'm attending, this diet will take affect on January 6 and go through February 6.

I will also be budgeting this year.  This is new to me.  I budgeted for a hot second my first month in Bangkok until I realized that I made plenty to cover my expenses, student loans, and savings.  However, this time, I will be recording all my expenditures and learning the growing pains of living within a budget.  A huge part of this is because I'll be moving to Athens for a year as a missionary and the money I raise must last me a year.  I'm truly hoping this turns into a habit that I carry into future years like second nature.

My last goal is to learn conversational Greek.  I know a handful of words, but it's difficult to string them into coherent sentences with a native Greek.  Hopefully this will become easier once I'm in Athens!

Alrighty, that's only three goals.  I hope by the end of this year, no matter how difficult these goals might be, that I can say I've accomplished them!

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